"Better Me" Bootcamp 2025

better me bootcamp poster


The “Better Me Boot Camp 2025” is a free virtual training program that aims to equip its participants with the required skills and knowledge to improve their lives (personal, spiritual, financial, and career). Please note: Goal setting class is compulsory.

Download course brief here

The program includes the following courses (with their respective facilitators):

  1. Venturing into Business
  2. Vision Board Crafting
  3. Job Search 101
  4. Deeper in God
  5. Improving Family Bond
  6. Personal Finance & Investment

For any inquiries, please send an email to hello@peacechurchglobal.org

better me bootcamp poster

House Keeping Rules
To ensure a productive and respectful learning environment, please adhere to the following rules during training:

  • Be Punctual: Log in to the Zoom class on time to minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth start. Admission into class ends 10 minutes after class starts.
  • Mute Microphones: Keep microphones muted when not speaking to reduce background noise and distractions.
  • Active Participation: Engage actively in class discussions, activities, and Q&A sessions to enhance the learning experience.
  • Camera On: Turn on your camera to foster a sense of connection and community among classmates. Kindly note that this is required.
  • Stay Focused: Please minimize distractions during class. Turn off the camera if leaving your seat to help others concentrate and turn it back on when seated. Choose a quiet and well-lit space for the class to minimize background distractions.
  • Raise Hand Feature: Use the “Raise Hand” feature to signal your desire to speak or ask a question.
  • Attendance: Kindly be aware that attendance is mandatory for the course you register for. Please select a course that aligns with your schedule, ensuring your commitment to start and complete the program.
  • Registration: Each course will accommodate a maximum of 10 participants, and registration will be promptly closed upon reaching the participant limit.

PCG BetterMe Bootcamp

* indicates required
Course Category


Yes there is a maximum number of 10 participants per course. This limit excludes the “Basics of Goal Setting” course which has no limits and is mandatory for all participants.

Yes. The registration form’s final query allows you to select a maximum of two courses to join the waitlist.